Friday, 11 January 2013

Studies Show: REAL Customer Testimonials Sell Better Than Celebrity Endorsements

A recent study has proven what we as business people already intuitively know: authentic customer testimonials that are believed to be from real people work way better for selling products and services than professional endorsements from people like actors and actresses, professional athletes or other celebrities.
In fact, the numbers prove that overwhelmingly more people trust other real people for their opinions on products and services—a whopping 70% of shoppers—versus just a slim margin of people who trust celebrity endorsements—an unimpressive 8% of shoppers (Econsultancy, July 2009, Erik Qualman, Socialnomics).
There are several reasons for this. First of all, people these days are more sophisticated and informed. Yes, they may love a certain actor, and they may even look at the product he endorses and seriously consider buying it, but buyers ultimately know that the actoris being paid to say how awesome the product is, and that the company is just using the actor to persuade their decisions. They also realize that the company is spending big bucks just to get their attention with the celebrity endorsement. Consumers know that this does not mean that the product is necessarily good or highquality.
They look to their peers, the real people who use the product just like they do, who have similar tastes and expectations, to give them real, unbiased opinions through online testimonials. They believe that, for the most part, these people are not being paid to give their opinions, and that the product or service will deliver them a similar experience to what the online testimonials indicate.
Another reason that using real testimonials on websites is better than professional endorsements is that you can’t always be sure that your audience actually likes the celebrity that you may choose. What if you choose someone who has spoken out politically or who has a less than perfect personal life?Orwhat if some people just do not like the celebrity you choose? Well, your business becomes associated with them and people may view you in a negative light, just because of the association. You don’t have to worry about that with customer testimonials. In fact, any of the website testimonials you have will show prospective buyers that other real people use and like your product or service.
Many marketing analysts even skeptically question the use of celebrity endorsements at all, because to be even a little effective, the celebrity has to be very popular. This would also make them very expensive to work with,making this option well out of reach price wise for most small to medium sized businesses. These professional analysts instead recommend that smaller companies use the more effective, honest, and believable, as well as less expensive and easier to create, customer testimonials on websites to persuade their prospective buyers.
If you are interested in getting professional, affordable, authentic and believable customer testimonials for your website, look no further. We have professional testimonial writers from all backgrounds and  from all over the country working to get you the customer testimonials you need quickly and affordably. 
More info about Testimonial | Testimonials

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